automatic type design 2
atelier national de recherche typographique
november 17–18, 2016 at ensad nancy amphitheatre,
artem campus, 1 place cartier-bresson 54000 nancy, france
the second edition of the international conference automatic type design, organized by the anrt, will address the history of digital fonts (jacques andré, charles bigelow), and particularly metafonts, in a historical and critical perspective (gerry leonidas, dave crossland, julián moncada, indra kupferschmid); the renewal of parametric typefaces in new applications (prototypo, samuel & jérémie hornus, open source publishing); font production processes and automation of type design (bianca berning, david vallance), the contribution of computer sciences and document analysis to typographic design (elisa barney smith, bart lamiroy); the role of design in the field of digital humanities (anthony masure), and new perspectives in responsive typography (nick sherman, laurence penney).
thursday, 17 november 2016
digital typography
9h45Thomas Huot-Marchand (ANRT - Nancy, France), Introduction
10hJacques André (Rennes, France), Digital Fonts: A Brief History / FR
10h45Charles Bigelow (Bigelow & Holmes – Rochester, USA), Les Bonheurs de Lucida / EN
11h30Gerry Leonidas (University of Reading – UK), What would Richard do? / EN
metafonts and parametric type design
14hDave Crossland (Google – NYC, USA), Metafont / EN
14h45Thomas Huot-Marchand (ANRT – Nancy, France), Knuth Vs. Hofstadter / FR
15h30Open Source Publishing (Brussels, BE), Back to the strokes / EN
16h30Yannick Mathey & Louis-Rémi Babé (Lyon, France), Prototypo / FR–EN
17h15Samuel & Jérémie Hornus (INRIA / ANRT – Nancy, France), Design Tools Inspired by TrueType Hinting / EN
friday, 18 novembre 2016
typography, computer sciences and digital humanities
9h15Julián Moncada (ANRT – Bogota, COL), Questioning Consistency: some notions about the role of people and tools in shaping the future of typeface design / EN
10hAnthony Masure (Université Jean Jaurès – toulouse, France), Design et humanités numériques / FR
11hElisa Barney Smith (Boise State University, USA), The Melville Marginalia / EN
11h45Bart Lamiroy & David Vallance (LORIA, ANRT – Nancy, France), Re-typograph / EN
variable fonts
13h45Bianca Berning (Dalton Maag – London, UK), WIP / EN
14h30Nick Sherman (New York, USA), Variable fonts are here. What now? / EN
15h15Laurence Penney (Bristol, UK), Axis-praxis / EN
16h15Round table with Indra Kupferschmid (HBK Saar, DE), Bianca Berning, Laurence Penney & Nick Sherman / EN
download the detailed program
registration is closed
automatic type design 2
atelier national de recherche typographique
november 17–18, 2016 at ensad nancy amphitheatre,
artem campus, 1 place cartier-bresson 54000 nancy, france
the second edition of the international conference automatic type design, organized by the anrt, will address the history of digital fonts (jacques andré, charles bigelow), and particularly metafonts, in a historical and critical perspective (gerry leonidas, dave crossland, julián moncada, indra kupferschmid); the renewal of parametric typefaces in new applications (prototypo, samuel & jérémie hornus, open source publishing); font production processes and automation of type design (bianca berning, david vallance), the contribution of computer sciences and document analysis to typographic design (elisa barney smith, bart lamiroy); the role of design in the field of digital humanities (anthony masure), and new perspectives in responsive typography (nick sherman, laurence penney).
thursday, 17 november 2016
digital typography
9h45Thomas Huot-Marchand (ANRT - Nancy, France), Introduction
10hJacques André (Rennes, France), Digital Fonts: A Brief History / FR
10h45Charles Bigelow (Bigelow & Holmes – Rochester, USA), Les Bonheurs de Lucida / EN
11h30Gerry Leonidas (University of Reading – UK), What would Richard do? / EN
metafonts and parametric type design
14hDave Crossland (Google – NYC, USA), Metafont / EN
14h45Thomas Huot-Marchand (ANRT – Nancy, France), Knuth Vs. Hofstadter / FR
15h30Open Source Publishing (Brussels, BE), Back to the strokes / EN
16h30Yannick Mathey & Louis-Rémi Babé (Lyon, France), Prototypo / FR–EN
17h15Samuel & Jérémie Hornus (INRIA / ANRT – Nancy, France), Design Tools Inspired by TrueType Hinting / EN
friday, 18 novembre 2016
typography, computer sciences and digital humanities
9h15Julián Moncada (ANRT – Bogota, COL), Questioning Consistency: some notions about the role of people and tools in shaping the future of typeface design / EN
10hAnthony Masure (Université Jean Jaurès – toulouse, France), Design et humanités numériques / FR
11hElisa Barney Smith (Boise State University, USA), The Melville Marginalia / EN
11h45Bart Lamiroy & David Vallance (LORIA, ANRT – Nancy, France), Re-typograph / EN
variable fonts
13h45Bianca Berning (Dalton Maag – London, UK), WIP / EN
14h30Nick Sherman (New York, USA), Variable fonts are here. What now? / EN
15h15Laurence Penney (Bristol, UK), Axis-praxis / EN
16h15Round table with Indra Kupferschmid (HBK Saar, DE), Bianca Berning, Laurence Penney & Nick Sherman / EN
download the detailed program
registration is closed